Monday, July 26, 2010

Lucy's Here!

Sorry everyone for taking so long to post again. I have a good reason :) We've been busy with our baby!

Yes, Lucy has arrived. We are now proud parents of a bubbly, gigil, cutie pie little girl. Last June, we were advised by Norfil that our adoption application was going into a matching session that month. We were so excited and nervous at the same time! Around mid June, we were advised that a 7 month old baby girl had been matched to us. Norfil met with us to give us a background of the baby, including her health, and showed us her photos too. They asked us to think it over that night and to give them our decision the next day. Heck, what was there to think about? We said yes on the spot!

If we could have brought her home that day, we would have. We had to wait though for a week, since they had to get her ready to be transferred to our care. During that week, we frantically got ourselves baby ready. Thanks to family and friends, we hardly had to buy anything. We had 3 baby showers that week with wonderful gifts from our friends. And we got great hand me downs from our families and friends too. All we really had to invest in on our own was a car seat.

A week later, we were back at Norfil to pick up Lucy. This is what they call Gotcha Day. It's a day we'll be celebrating with Lucy every year. The first day was tough since we were still learning what her cries were about - was she hungry, sleepy, confused? By the next day though, it was like we had known each other forever! We found out what a happy baby she is. First thing she does when she wakes up is smile! Really! She even smiles sometimes while she's asleep (she must be dreaming about milk then :)

It's now been a little more than a month since we were blessed with Lucy. It feels like we've been through so much together already! I thank God for our little bundle of joy and for helping us through our journey in the making of Lucy. We're still trying to get pregnant on our own (just the natural way though, no work ups etc). If it happens, it happens. If not, we consider ourselves blessed we have Lucy. And hey, in a couple of years, who knows, we may just adopt again. This time, a little boy - Juan ;)


  1. Congratulations, Alvi and Rina!!! We are sooo happy for you!!!! God bless you!!! - Demie, Nikki and Nathan Torres

  2. we love lucy. we love you! :)

    leah, vinchy & liana

  3. hi i read your blog and find it very useful. I'm interested in the yahoo groups for ivf since im planning to do it on december. can you email me at Thanks

  4. Hi Were you able to get into the IVF Yahoo Group already?

  5. Hello, I know these posts are about a year and a half old, but I was wondering... it seems that your adoption process from the Philippines took only about 7-8 months (Dec 2009 to July 2010). Or was the process much longer than that and my calculation is wrong?

    If it was only 7-8 months, why is it that I read that they usually take 18-24 months if adopting from the US? Do you live in another country that the US? Would you be able to share in your particular case the timeline and cost? My e-mail is

    I would love your expertise on the subject. My husband and I have discussed doing the exact thing that you tried-- first the IVF in Taiwan, then adoption (well, we are also looking into egg donation because of my age). I'm leaning more toward adoption, but hubby wants to try egg donation first.

    And, is the adoption process really in the $25,000 range?

    Thanks for any help you can provide!

  6. Adopting locally is faster than inter-country adoption. It took us only 7 months because we're based here in the Philippines. Inter country adoption (eg if you're based abroad and want to adopt a kid from the Philippines), it takes about 2 years.

    Adoption costs are really more of the legal costs. Legal process takes about 1-2 yrs, depending on how good a lawyer you have and the kind of judge you get. $25K sounds too high for lawyers fees. It's probably more in the range of $2500-$5000.
